Sunday, May 31, 2009

Out and about in May

Changgyunggung palace. One of the first warm warm days in May. We saw a group of older men with cameras waiting for the chance to snap two Mandarin ducks mating.

Moto and Rola enjoying some basking time.

One of Woogi's college friends got married in this building. Don't look down if you don't like heights (I felt queasy after taking this)

My Korean class, classmates came round for dinner. In the room there are some Chinese, an American, a Nepalese man, Japanese, a Canadian and a Korean.

Pretty flower gift.

I had a job interview in Chuncheon so we took a bit of time to go up to see a dam. It was drizzling and humid. The map in front of the train station had a few interesting places to visit. next time I'd like to go to the Song monument of I feel like living in Gangchon by way of Soju pass ^^

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