Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back to the birds and the bees. Woogi and I went to Children's Park a week or so back and meet some birds! We also met an older couple who invited us over to their picnic mat and kept filling our cups with alcohol. We never imagined that we would leave a children's park quite tipsy.
Mohawk's are the new fashion at the zoo this summer.

A cicada's exoskeleton. They are leaving them around all over the place right now.

A tree bug. I don't know what it is except they seem to be on certain trees around this time of the year.

Some cute frogs all piled ontop of each other.


Shannon said...

one of those tree bugs jumped on me this morning! I like the frogs! Soon chul just started a blog, you can get to it from my page!

trofanov said...

hi, Catherine~
Please come to my blog.
I will waiting your visit.
Have a nice day~