Saturday, March 17, 2007

Had quite a busy but enjoyable weekend. Above is a 'photoshopped' picture (my camera doesn't take good pictures in low light) from the welcolme party we had for the new teachers. After a nice Thai meal we went to a bar that had different themed rooms. Our room had sand on a warm floor. We took off our shoes and tried to imagine we were at the beach but high drink prices kept forcing us back into reality!

The glass lamp in the room.

Do you know what this is?

A little bit of spring.

It was Young su's birthday on Saturday (girl with the cap) so we had dinner and cake. Before dinner we watched the movie 300 hundred. I had my eyes closed for all the fighting so missed most of it. A bit violent for my poor brain.

1 comment:

James Heneghan said...

Nice photos! I'm not sure what they all are, but that's not always necessary. Very good!