Sunday, February 11, 2007


I've nearly been here a year now and it is time to say goodbye to many of the people who I have really enjoyed working with. The year has gone so quickly. Above are teachers and staff from work.

Above is the one and only photo I have of Simon which looks like him. SO often he has his eyes rolled up or some strange expression on his face.

The next night we went to Ian and Lizzie's farewell. Lizzie has been my office mate for the year and her and her husband have been wonderful friends. They will be sorely missed. The restaurant that we went to served fruit soju in the fruit! It was a very popular place. The pumpkin dish which had seafood inside was really good.

Lisa, me and Andrea.

Eun jung and I

On Sunday, Ian, Lizzie and Woogi and I went to a basketball game. It was first for all of us. The players had some good shooting skills and it was fun to watch. I don't like the time out's much though. Our team didn't win ( the team in white)

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