Sunday, April 09, 2006

Weekend travel

Woogi took me on a really nice trip about 3 hours south of Seoul on Saturday. We were up before the birds to catch the bus.

The sun behind a murky, yellow dust sky.

A Korean squirell. These wee guys are great, running around chasing each other with white tummys showing.
We went to a place by the sea where camillias were flowering and small octopus were for sale (so were small bbq birds). I passed on both but Woogi enjoyed chakumi - the octopus.

Next we went in search of cherry blossom. We were a bit early for it in this area but had a nice walk in temple grounds.

Yesterday we went back to the Chinese Herbal Medicine market not far from where I live.

My favourite- anyone for some millipedes! Don't know where the legs are.

Charcol like stuff.

We found some cherry blossom near my place. It is a bit different that the Japanese blossom but still pretty. It is meant to be in full bloom on the13th or 14th in Seoul.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Okay, I`ll pass on the millipedes, but you could cut the rabu rabu with a fork it`s so thick! I`m so jealous! Seconds please! Your university looks really nice actually, quite nicer than Japanese elementary school! No birthday pics from this girl, I didn`t take any!