Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's been a long time since I posted anything. I have been waiting for the wedding photos to come back and it's been a busy time. People often ask what is it like to be married now but it's not so different except for that Woogi is home every night. We are going to NZ for our honeymoon/meet the family/holiday on Saturday and trying to pack everything for a small move about 300 metres away while renovations take place in our present apartment. We have to move to a place which is very small so you may get a different answer to the 'what is it like being married' question in a month or so!

Me and me dad

Saying our vows (in Korean and English)

Friends from work and a kiss

Wearing traditionally Korean clothing. The piggyback is traditional too - to find out how strong the man is for the first night.

Me in hanbok