Wednesday, August 29, 2007

City Hall is covered with Korea's national flower - the Rose of Sharon now.

This is what is looks like close up.

The Koreans invented an astronomical observation tower, many moons ago and it looked like this but was made from stone not from old car headlights like this one.

Old toilets

Woogi and I took a weekend bus tour down south to Uido and Bosang and to another place that I can't remember right now. Apart from it being super hot we had a fantastic time. Above is on the way to Ui do (an island).

Here we are on the island which is a big European style botanical garden. There were lots of people there and not a lot of shade to rest in. Some guy bought the island at least 30 years ago and made it into a big garden. A few years ago he died but the garden is still going.

Part of the garden - the venus garden.

The next day we went to Bosang which is famous for it's tea feilds. Actually Woogi and I had been to this same one 3 - 4 years ago when we weren't an item.

A ladybird.

After the tea feilds we went to a temple on a mountain. The temple was just another temple to me but it did have a cultural asset. For a Kiwi girl this asset is found and used all over the country when you go hiking - the most humble long drop. While others were impressed at the still used asset I left it feeling it just smelt as bad as the ones back home.

The best thing about the temple was that it was in a great setting. After strolling up the hill to see it we went back down to put our legs in the river with hundreds of others. Woogi tried to catch small fish without luck while I took photo's of insects around us. It was a good trip.

Monday, August 20, 2007

길덩 자연 생태 park (Kildong ecological park)

Wednesday was a public hoilday and the first day in weeks where the rain stopped. I had cabin fever and needed to get out. I had heard of a forest that you needed to get a reservation to go to and so Woogi and I put in a booking. They only allow 200 people in a day so it was very peaceful. Though it was a bit hot I was very happy to see the bugs and flowers there. Spring must be gorgeous.

Gourd cord

Pumpkins growing on the roof of a hut.

Some more fungi!

And the bugs......

Maybe an orchid? A very small one.

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's that time of year again when we say goodbye to teachers and wish them all the best. I don't think I ever get totally used to it. It's sad but it's life as a foreigner in another country. I try to just be thankful for the footprints friends have left on my life and appreciate the time I have speant with them.

Jenny, a friend from work, and I went for a walk up to a temple on Saturday. The setting was nice.

There aren't so many flowers about right now but there is FUNGI!!!

and chestnuts

The escalator to World Cup Stadium.
This is all you hear when you go outside - meemee mee meeeeeee........ How can this bug make so much noise!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It won't stop rainning.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not at home!

I was watching TV the other night and saw a show (a game show???) where there were 5 couples. Out of the 5 couples there was only 1 real couple and only 1 real female - the other 'females' were really boys. The aim was to pick the real couple and the real girl. Not as easy as you might think!

The last few days have been so humid that when I went to take a photo I got a foggy image. I wondered what was wrong before I realised it was just the humidity. No more pics until the sun comes out! Sometimes the only way to know if it is raining outside is if you see the raindrops because the air is so moist!