Monday, August 28, 2006


What could this be......?

My front door.....

When I got home from Japan. I now have the most beautiful door in the apartment building thanks to a hard working, lovely boyfriend. Thanks Woogi. I feel happy everytime I see it.

Arm wrestling over drinks and dinner.

After seeing silk worm cocoons at the Chinese medine market I decided to give them a try (a few soju's made me brave enough)

They always looked like they would be terrible and they were.

Scratched on the wall at the restaurant.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Typhoon Wukong didn't stop my flight to Japan. In fact I got an upgrade to business class. Very nice! It was sooo good catching up with friends again. It felt like I was at home again.

With Mie and Sa-chan's Korean class.

Sa-chan and Mie. Thanks for the bed and fun times!

Mayumi and I. We only talked for 4 and a half hours this time. Not very long for us.

A-chan and some neat drinks.

My friends from hospital. Thanks for all the cookies and tea!

The sun setting at Fumigaoura. Akihiro and Mayumi took me for a drive around the coast. It was really natsukashi. Thanks guys!

Mayumi fugu and Akihiro fugu.

Akihiro, Mayumi, Yumiko and I. Thanks for a yummy meal. It was great that we could all meet up!

Sorrell and Caleb.

Thanks for having me at Chayama ryokan. It was some of the best hospitality to be found. See you again sometime.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I have taught some lovely, interesting adult students this semester. I hope that I will see them again sometime. Thank you for sharing some interesting stories with me and for coming to class. Good luck!

At my apartment.

Walking up the hill to Seoul tower.

At the top!

Rachel (So eun) and I.

Dong Ryang, Rachel and Young Sun

Bo sang and Du ri

Du ri and I . Du ri, sorry I forgot your birthday. Happy birthday for the 12th!

Dong ryang and Young sun with their favourite thing - a soccer ball!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


There are bugs everywhere here. They are fascinating (to me anyway!) And sometimes a stray dog.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I found this gold moth in my bathroom. He? She? is quite pretty.

Three teachers are leaving us this semester though two of them are just going over to the academic side. We had a farewell for them. It was fun but a late night had but all!

A co worker had a very novel wedding ceremony. She and her husband first met at a baseball game so had the ceremony at the baseball stadium. We ate a very yummy Indian meal before going to watch a game.

Tara and Jagdesh with the mascots.

Woogi and I with the happy couple.