Saturday, April 29, 2006

Spring flowers

I know not everyone is into flowers but I just can't stop taking pictures. I'm meeting smiling, middle age women who either think I'm a mad foreigner or share with me blooms. Maybe both!

Tulip's at Children's Park

I don't know why but I really like the stamins of plants. Maybe because they look like they are dancing or like a frilly skirt, or a candelabra.

A seed pod, bursting with fluff!

This tree is weird. The flowers don't grow on stems, just directly of the trunk or branches.

And this flower is a favourite. It's kinda like a buttercup.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

When we are young we want to be older
When we are older we want to be younger
We look back and think that before was better
There is something beautiful in everyday
Shouldn't we appreciate our now while we have it?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter weekend

I found cherry blossom in Children's Park! I'm kinda getting used to all the people everywhere.

A 200 year old bonsai.

It is getting warmer but it is really changeable. Saturday's sun.

There was free show from the Chinese disable circus on at the park. It was really good. All the guys in this act had one leg amputated.

There was zoo at the park too.I find the zoo's a bit disturbing here. This pig was happy enough as was a NZ sheep and her lamb. Now it feels like Spring after seeing a lamb!


On Sunday we went to another park on a hill. The wind was chilly but we got a good view of the Han river and saw some windmills. There are some pretty places here.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I finally got a pic. My camera doesn't have a very good zoom so I had to photoshop him! They are very shy birds but pretty cool to see in the mornings!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Weekend travel

Woogi took me on a really nice trip about 3 hours south of Seoul on Saturday. We were up before the birds to catch the bus.

The sun behind a murky, yellow dust sky.

A Korean squirell. These wee guys are great, running around chasing each other with white tummys showing.
We went to a place by the sea where camillias were flowering and small octopus were for sale (so were small bbq birds). I passed on both but Woogi enjoyed chakumi - the octopus.

Next we went in search of cherry blossom. We were a bit early for it in this area but had a nice walk in temple grounds.

Yesterday we went back to the Chinese Herbal Medicine market not far from where I live.

My favourite- anyone for some millipedes! Don't know where the legs are.

Charcol like stuff.

We found some cherry blossom near my place. It is a bit different that the Japanese blossom but still pretty. It is meant to be in full bloom on the13th or 14th in Seoul.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A stroll throught the university

Castle, prison, church or learning instution, where am I?. Me thinks it not look very Korean.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006


I usually sleep but tonight I can't. Maybe cos I had too much sleep???? I had a tummy bug the last few days and slept alot and now I can't I'm going to excited you (probably not) with some more photo's.

Magnolia's in different stages.

Night time surprises